Wednesday, April 01, 2009


My colleague K turned to me and asked 'how do you spell project as in projection? Before I could reply, he shot his next question.
Does project (as in projection) and project (as in software projects - tasks) spell the same? Again, before I could say anything, he knew the answer.

What a 'Eureka' moment for him, after decades of knowing and mastering the language!

As he was typing a mail, I could hear him murmur, how do I make them read it as project instead of project. Being in the software world, I could totally understand his problem.

This really makes us wonder why the language is so short(not the opposite of tall) of words?!


b a l a j i said...

English is a phunny(funny)(pun-ny) language

Yadhvi said...

yeah! and is all over the world!

Aruna said...

How about other languages? "Kannaadi" in tamil means "Mirror" as well as "Spectacles". "Dho" in hindi means "two" as well as "give". So, English is not an exception!!

Yadhvi said...

'kannadi' in tamil just means glass.
'mooku kannadi' is spectacles
'muga(m) (paarkum) kannadi' is mirror

Tamil Rocks!

Aruna said...

What is 1/4 in tamil? Does it have any other meaning?